"Famous," directed by Martha McGrath, is a captivating film that offers a unique perspective on fame, addiction, mental health, and the price of success. With its thought-provoking narrative and...
New York, NY -- The beautiful friendship between movie stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin transcends once again on the big screen, starring the film “Moving on” written and...
Los Angeles, CA -- Breaking is a phenomenal true story film about the lengths one man went through to fight for his rights as a retired Marine. The movie...
LeBron James has always been linked to the entertainment industry. In fact, one of the reasons that prompted him to sign for the Los Angeles Lakers was that this...
In the digital era's height, we have access to be a part of an event without being present. Livestreams and media accounts uploading fresh content in seconds has allowed...
Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20, 2025, marked a most important moment in American history. This rare occasion coincided with Martin Luther King Jr....
Maybe, just maybe…it’s time for Deshaun Watson to see the forest before the trees.
On Friday, January 10, the Cleveland Browns reported that Watson, 29,...
A devastating wildfire broke out in Los Angeles's Pacific Palisades region. Thousands of residents left their homes as flames moved toward populated neighborhoods. The...
Travis Hunter, the Colorado football star, has deleted his Instagram account after social media users targeted his fiancée, Leanna Lenee. The backlash started when...