
From the Vineyards of Portugal to the Hills of Hollywood


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Tonight, I had the pleasure of attending A Taste of Portugal – Winemaker Event. I was delighted when I got the invitation to this event. Good food and wine sounds like my ideal type of night. As I put my heels on and headed out the door, I was anxious to see what was ahead.

I drove through the hills of Hollywood, inching closer and closer to the Hollywood sign. I arrived at the house sitting on a hill and was led to the backyard, where I was met with a spectacular view of sunlight, hills and mountains, the Hollywood sign, and a divine dinner table set with beautiful flowers and glassware.

Meeting Cristina Videira Lopes

I was able to chat with Cristina Videira Lopes and her wines from Quinta das Queimas in Portugal’s Dão region. I asked her about her story, and she told me she splits her time between here and Portugal. She inherited vineyards that are at least 100 years old.

I thought it was beautiful when she told me her favorite part about being a vineyard owner was that she loved relying on Earth and Mother Nature to create something alongside her. She told me that the land was very beautiful, and it made her work that much more enjoyable.

A Culinary Journey with Quinta das Queimas Wines

As we sat down for our four-course dinner, we started off with their Field White Blend paired with a delicious shrimp and rice with bell peppers. This happened to be my favorite wine. Although I’m usually a red wine enthusiast, this white was crisp and fruity. I’ve never had anything like it.

Our second course was Piri Piri Chicken & Frisée Salad paired with the Encruzado. A simple salad with flavorful chicken with a hint of spice!

The third course and my favorite meal of the dinner was Feijoada, a Traditional Bean & Meat Stew, paired with a delectable red, Quinta das Queimas DOvaia Tinto. This red was full-bodied and a perfect ending to this dinner.

Insights from Sandra of Diniz Cellars

After dinner, I spoke with Sandra, the owner of Diniz Cellars, and she provided a lot of information about how typically most store-bought wines in grocery stores or big markets have the same taste year after year because they are made for mass production. Whereas small boutique vineyards’ wines vary from year to year due to the harvest. If you’re a wine connoisseur and are looking for something different, small name-brand wines are the way to go.

A Night to Remember

What a life I get to live! Up in the hills of Hollywood, sipping on fine wine and eating authentic cuisine is something I’ll never be ungrateful for. From the views to the food, the conversation, and of course, the wine—this was a five-star night.

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