Cheri Jacobus, a Republican turned independent political pundit, spills the tea in her tell-all interview with our host, Aash Patel.
A woman with many credentials, Cheri has done it all in the political industry. From working for a moderate Republican in a congressional office for minimum wages to working her way up the ranks at Capitol Hill. Cheri didn’t stop there as she ran for congressional races at age 28, was a spokesperson at the RNC, and a graduate school professor at George Washington University.
However, like everyone else, Cheri has a story and why she left the Republican party is very insightful.
When asked if she had voted for Trump in 2016, she gave us the low down on how her life had been severely impacted by Trump’s “people” in 2015.
“I was threatened, I didn’t leave my apartment for days, I was told: “Trump has guys in Queens, they might be on their way to cause you harm. I was one of the first people that knew we are not dealing with just particularly nasty political opponents, we’re dealing with criminals and thugs.”
She had been approached by Trump’s team because they wanted her to work for them as a communications director. She met with Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, who told her all about Trump’s Super PAC, which led her to turn down the opportunity.
A few months later, there was a story that hit the Washington Post about Trump’s Super PAC which he had denied. Cheri immediately took to Twitter and tweeted “Trump has a Super PAC, Cory Lewandowski told me all about it.. Trump went to two of its fundraisers..”. This shocking tweet had led to Trump’s team denying it, saying that Jacobus had been begging the administration for a job and was turned down, and then “turned hostile.”

“At that point, I was immediately banned from Fox after being on TV a couple of thousand times over 15 years.” After this incident, Don Lemon from CNN invited Cheri onto his show and asked her if Trump had been self-funding, which in response, she told him about the Super PAC. “I was immediately banned from CNN”, Cheri stated in our interview.
“Don’t book Cheri Jacobus anymore.. she’s a conflict because she begged Trump for a job” were the words that came out of Jeff Zucker, the President of CNN. “I have been involved in all sorts of political stuff but nothing like this. That whole thing was just bizarre and frightening, and ruined my life.”
After sharing her scary encounter with Trump’s team, Cheri addressed how poorly the Trump Administration has been handing COVID-19.
“Trump has done a horrific job of handling it. He knew about it and he buried it. He didn’t address it.”
Cheri gave us more details on his lack ofhandling the pandemic while praising president-elect Biden for already creating a task force.
As the interview continued, we wanted to know more about her thoughts in regard to why 55% of white women had voted for Trump in 2020 — a population he has degraded during his first four years — and this was something that Jacobus was confused about as well.
“That is one of the big mysteries. That’s something that I would like to take time to study because I don’t get it… he hates people of color, he hates women…”
Cheri voted blue in this year’s election and is hopeful that President-elect Biden and running mate Kamala Harris will turn things around for America in 2021 and can bridge that gap that Trump has created in these last four years. She mentioned that Trump has a lot of legal issues to face coming out of this and says that it will not be an easy road for Trump or his family as he leaves the White House.
“We need to have confidence that our democracy works. We need the bad guys to be held accountable… We owe that to our future generations.”